These are our three non-negotiables as an indie publisher dreaming about disrupting the whole industry.

Don’t you just LOVE the space and perspective that clarity brings to the table? Us too…
It also helps to know exactly who a company is and what they aspire to be BEFORE going into business with them.
Since the start of 2024, we have been working hard on clarifying what we do, who we do it for, and why.
This is why we thought it would be good to share with you what we know about who we are, where we are going, and how we are going to get there as a company. These are our core values:
#1 Respect for the Art Form:
We’re both life-long readers, writers, and lovers of the written word. We believe in the power of a good book, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, a picture book, or poetry to change the lives of readers, and the writer/artist herself.
We are a publishing company that will always prioritize great work, and protect as much as we can, the artist, and the artistic processes that make great work possible.
Our commitment to the authors: regardless of where they are in the process is to do everything we can to help them create the best work they’re capable of, and to share it with the world.
So if you are a writer passionate about the art form, you’re in the right place 🙂
PS: You’re invited to join the Starfish Stories Publishing Family. If you want to learn how to submit a book proposal (no finished manuscript required!) hit the following link and download our Book Proposal Template.

We want to build fair, equitable creative collaborations with our authors. But, what does that look like practically?
We have the most competitive/equitable royalty splits in the industry – 50/50.
We do not charge authors a cent to publish their work. Your job is to write a great book, we’ll cover the publishing costs.
We collaborate with our authors on launch and post-launch marketing strategy. We want your book to succeed as much as you do, and we want our marketing efforts to be coordinated, play to your strengths, and position you to reach your personal goals as a writer.
Essentially, we want to share both the risk and reward of publishing with our authors and work as a team.